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move[n]city II

Workshop@4th Mediated City Conference


Ayşegül Akçay Kavakoğlu, Çağda Özbaki, Derya Güleç Özer, Ece Konuk, Elif Sidar Özdemir, Kemal Utku, Münevver Aygün Aşık, Nilay Özlü

Mediated City Workshops' Documentary: Omar Karout, Fatima Ayesh

Conference and Workshop Sponsors: Kalebodur, AMPS,  Arkitera Mimarlık Merkezi, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi, Studio X

International Mediated City Conference is supported by Tübitak 2223B. 

Move[n]City workshop is organized within "4th International Mediated Cities" conference. The scope of the workshop is to discuss the urban mobility upon vari­ous representation models and to question the mediation of the city through the notion of reality. How does mobility, as an epitome of modernity, organize the city? How does mobility influence the everyday life? Who are the actors of mobility? How does mobility transform the city, and the perception of time? If we were to observe within or beyond time, how could we represent our body images within the urban context? 

This workshop aims to respond to the aforementioned questions within the framework of city, body, and movement, by using various representational models and focusing on moving image models. Approaching from an experimental point of view, the participants will create their own representational models by using projection mapping techniques in order to analyze the concepts of body and movement in the urban environment. 

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